Flaherty Engineering Consulting, LLC

Forensic Electrical Engineering Services 
Supporting Product Development, Claims Investigation, and Litigation



Current Rates and Policies

Christoph Flaherty's current consulting rate is $275/hr for all services including travel, inspection, research, document review, and testimony.  This rate also includes use of standard investigation and testing tools (digital photography and videography, measurement and power tools).  Rental of specialized equipment will be agreed upon and billed at cost.


All expenses incurred for travel (such as air fare, car rental, lodging, meals, tolls, and parking) will be billed at cost.  Personal vehicle travel is billed at the government reimbursable rate (currently $0.575/mile).  


Evidence storage is also offered and billed according to size and nature of evidence.  Storage rates generally range from $15 to $100 per month.

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